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Evoke Healing Space
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Our Evoke Calls Schedule
Intention Part 2 and some phrases to help a speaker begin to find or name their own solutions
Notes from 2021/03/30 call
2020/09/08 Team Call Audio Replay
2020/05/19 Team Call- The power of INTENTION and CLEAN SETUP- Three Questions for Clarity
2020/05/26 Intention- and Dreamers and Realist thinking
2020/06/02 Replay- Backtrack and playback what you hear
2020/06/09 Replay- Three Perspectives- of WISDOM
2020/07/14 Replay- Motivation 1 Direction: Toward and Away
2020/07/28 Call Motivation Source- Internal or External
2020/08/11 Call Motivation Reason- Options or Procedures
2020/08/25 Call Review Everything we have covered and Q and A application
2020/09/22 Audio replay (64:01)
2020/10/13 Audio replay
2021/03/30 Audio replay
The Power of Knowing Your Intention
The 3 Question Clean Setup Process
Real Life Application of the Clean Setup Process
The Power of Taking Multiple Perspectives for WISDOM
Real Life Application of the Three Perspectives of Wisdom
Constructive Conversations- Avoiding The Drama Triangle
Constructive Conversations- Drama and how to prevent it. (12 mins) (11:49)
Summary One Sheet of the GOOD KARMA Triangle
Motivation Styles- Amplify your positive influence when you know how others motivate themselves
Motivation Styles: Pre-Work (4:27)
Motivation: 1 FILTERS (3mins) (2:55)
Motivation: Criteria lives in a context (2:14)
Video 1) Motivation DIRECTION (6:24) (6:24)
Video 2) Motivation SOURCE (7:53) (7:52)
Video 3) Motivation REASON (8:29) (8:29)
Video Motivation: CONCLUSION (1:12) (1:11)
Spectacles- Looking through Wise Perspectives- (Presuppositions)
1) 'The element with the most flexibility has the most influence' (3:06)
2) Choice is better than no choice
"Every behavior Has a Positive Intention"
Real Life Situations: HOW DO I/WE......
'Get my foot out of my mouth?'
Help people get clear on what they want and AGREE on what it is?
Meet someone where they are and lead to a more resourceful state: PACING AND LEADING (9:26)
How do we- acknowledge another person's emotions without getting caught up in it?
Feedback- Giving and Receiving the GOLD of useful feedback
Feedback- how to Give and Receive (32:05)
Feedback- Cheat sheets for easy preparation using our Feedback Model
Action steps: Practice giving feedback
New Lecture
The Inner Game of Self Confidence: Presenting Ideas to Others
Public Speaking 1: What is our intention? (1:28)
Building Rapport With A Group (2:48)
How To PACE A Group (0:53)
Rapport on Zoom. Intro (1:18)
Be Heard: Convey Your ideas with Confidence 1) HOW YOUR BODY AFFECTS HOW YOU FEEL (21:02)
BREATH and the Unconscious Mind (3:03)
Be willing to S L O W Down (1:14)
The Inner Game: 1) to be KNOWN (1:02)
TWO keys: Be heard and understood without worrying about the WORDS to say (4:14)
Prepare to speak: Using the three positions of WISDOM (3:48)
Check: Is my intention met? (0:32)
Clarify! (1:48)
Amplify Your Impact With TONE (11:40)
HOW to begin a Presentation/Training (The Clean Language way) (7:35)
Clear Communication by being SPECIFIC. (5:09)
Recording videos for social media or teaching 1) EQUIPMENT
How to listen when we disagree
The Positive Intention of the 'Lizard Brain' is to keep us safe (4:13)
Video How To Listen When You Disagree (10:17)
New Lecture
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